
Top Fastest Growing Careers in Social Work

As a social worker, job security is always a concern, it is a field where many available jobs are with non-profit agencies. This can create a lot of stress for us as employees and an advantage for employers who aware of the precarious nature of our employment.  At times, this unfair advantage keeps us grounded in jobs we and not very happy with, but set your fears aside and start doing some investigation.  For those of you who graduated a while ago and may even be bored or unhappy with your current job don't despair there are new and emerging jobs in our field. Even if you are new to this field and considering it's potential, you will be pleased to see some exciting career opportunities.  A good resource guide detailing information about some of these professions are documented in the book, Ferguson's, Career in Focus, Social Work. This book is simple and very easy to read.  If your are considering changing jobs, here are seven career options and  salary predictions

7 women you should know about on International Women's Day

Voices of Change from Around Our World As social wokers providing care in our comfortable offices in North American we forget how much we have in common with others working for change.  On Internaional Womens Day I want to bring attention to another and sometimes ignored form of social work... Social Activism. Social Activism is the grass roots work that propelled us into many of the professions women now hold in social work. It's important for all of society to acknowledge but more crucial for social workers to remember no matter how many social ills we tackle daily, many women around the world face an even more daunting task. They are leading a cuusade to change not just the individual in front of them but a whole society. This in itself is probable the most courageous form of social work.  The beautifully illustrated book "Womankind" written by two women: Donna Nebenzahl   profiled 45 such women. Her book is a must read. Here are seven of the women featured in

The Joys and Perils of Social Work

A glimse in the world of Social work The instinctive yearning to help, to change someones live positively, to impact the world are a few of the reasons most of us begin our journey in the field of social work. Many of my colleagues will readily agree it's also probably the biggest factor in their decision to stay in the field. For me, it certainly was, hence, the reason for me to start this blog in the first place.  As you will see from my profile, I have always been actively involved in community life so when my first love of pursuing a career in Journalism did not materialize I turned to what came naturally to me, social work. Over the last 18 years of working in various capacities in this field, I have gained a level of experience where I can confidently address some of the challenges in the field.  Consequently, I felt I can use this space to create a forum for people in the field to read about some of the paradoxes of socal work . On one hand, this field is complex, stress